I was asked “5 Things You Need To Live A Long & Healthy Life”? Here’s my list (in no order):
Pray for success and health. When I was in the twin towers on the way down I prayed to G-d to save me. Also don’t just pray for the big things, pray that you find the right program, eat the right foods, get enough sleep, etc.
Be consistent. It is very important to have a set routine that you try to follow as much as possible. It can be 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week, or more or less, but make it a priority and stick to it. For me, my alarm goes off every day at an insane time for me to start my day and accomplish what I want.
Seek guidance. Go to your doctor and speak about your medical history and your family's medical history and listen to what he recommends. If necessary, get a second opinion. Find out what you need to do for yourself as your body is different that someone else.
Be normal. I can’t say I have done the research, but it seems that a lot of these crazy fad diets come and go, and people end up heavier and more overweight at the end. Eat healthy, exercise, sleep, pray, contribute to the world - do things normally.
Accountability. Jump Into Shape members succeed because I hold them accountable to exercise and take care of their health. Some people can hold themselves accountable and don’t need anyone else. Most people fall if they try that. Find someone to hold you accountable.
Thank you and many blessings,
Moshe Moskowitz
Jump Into Shape
CEO, Founder and Head Trainer
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