Baruch HaShem I led my 100th hour of Jump Into Shape classes in 2022 to date. Wow!
I was never much into fitness, so I can say I feel HaShem guiding me every second and giving me the opportunity and blessing to help others lead healthier lives. It is totally Him pushing me and keeping me injury-free day in and day out.
100 hours is 6,000 minutes of classes of doing the entire class (ok there a few seconds of the intense class that I needed to catch my breathe), while talking and encouraging others.
It's 36,000 seconds of pushing others a little more knowing that exercise leads to an increase in the quantity and quality of our lives. Every second is worth it for the feedback that "the class helped by relieve a lot of stress", or "you are saving my life", or "I danced last night at our daughter's bat mitzvah which I never would have been able to do", etc. etc.
Thank you HaShem for making me your shliach (messenger) in fitness.
Thank you to my wonderful wife Michele for supporting this "crazy" idea of Jump Into Shape.
Thank you to our wonderful kids who support me and even sometimes jump in to do or lead a class.
Thank you Dave Hunt, Joannie, Serge and Crossrope for partnering with me.
Thank YOU all the Jump Into Shape members!