This picture proves CHANGE is POSSIBLE…
What you see here is me standing in front of a house very different (Baruch HaShem - Thank G-d) from when I actually lived in that house 24 hours ago…
From 1995 - 1999 that was my fraternity house at Rutgers… those were the days when it was common for the fraternity to throw a party and easily go through 30 kegs of beer… I won’t elaborate upon anything else, except my favorite hazing story… they thought it would be funny to have us eat a “bad” tasting food so they passed around gefilte fish in a jar… suffice to say for me and the other Jews it was a special treat…
Fast forward to today and with help from Above, I think I have changed to be a responsible, G-d fearing Jew, father and husband, and contributing member of society… My personal path revolved around G-d and His commandments, but admittingly I know many people that also become great people without becoming strict followers of their religion… Each person for whatever reason and that’s not the point of this post…
The point is 2 things
1) YOU CAN ALWAYS CHANGE WHO YOU ARE - it’s so easy to get stuck and say I can’t exercise, I can’t control my temper, I can’t have patience, I can’t stop smoking, I can’t, I can’t… YOU CAN… My change to becoming religious did NOT happen overnight… during my journey I would go to shul Friday night and then go out for drinks with friends… I would go to shul and then out to a non-kosher restaurant… a lot of people give up on exercise and fitness because they don’t see results the next day… that is ridiculous…. Have patience and of course, pray for guidance and success
2) DON’T GIVE UP ON OTHERS BASED ON WHO THEY ARE TODAY - just like you can change, others can change… I met my wonderful wife in college, when I lived in that house and partied a little too much… in college, as she is now, she is very refined, smart, well thought out, and beautiful, and back then would never think about dating me… after college when we remet, it took her a year off knowing me to see that I had changed… I’d say if you know someone that needs help changing in a certain area, work on it together with them in a non-pushy way… if someone needs to exercise or eat healthier, invite them with you the next time you do a Jump Into Shape class or over for a healthy meal… ask them afterward how the class or meal was and open a discussion about their health in a gentle way...
In closing, I do wish I never joined a fraternity, but then again I know HaShem controls this journey of life and everything happens for a reason and at the right time…
Thank you and many blessings,
Moshe Moskowitz
Jump Into Shape
CEO, Founder and Head Trainer
646 653 4850
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