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Letter from Moshe

Dear Friends,

Thank you for being a part of Jump Into Shape. Thank G-d we have members from Bnai Brak in Israel to Canada to California, over 30 live weekly classes, and close to 1,000 videos on demand. I never imagined Jump Into Shape growing at this pace and it would not be possible without YOU.

We listen to your feedback. Beginning this week we've added two early evening 30-minute jump rope classes - an intermediate on Mondays at 6:45 pm EST and a beginner on Thursdays at 6:15 pm EST. Remember, you can complete all or part of any class. Simply register in advance to receive the class link and jump in at any time! Every class can be modified to be more or less challenging. Ask me for recommendations on how to modify a class to your level.

The next team challenge begins this week. Teams of 3 will compete for a chance to win a free month of Jump Into Shape. Teams must achieve weekly goals that get progressively more difficult to remain in the challenge for the following week. View the team rosters below and follow the Jump Into Shape blog for regular updates on team performance. Ready for the challenge? Contact me to be placed in a team or form your own.

Please continue to provide us with any feedback about Jump Into Shape so that we can give you the best possible program to meet your fitness goals.

Thank you, and from the bottom of my heart, many blessings, Moshe

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