BMT Partnership
Welcome Beit Midrash of Teaneck Members! From February through May 2024, members of the BMT program at the Teaneck Jewish Center are invited to take part in a unique fitness program designed with your needs in mind.
By joining the Beit Midrash of Teaneck and Jump Into Shape Partnership Program you will gain access to a 3-month Jump Into Shape membership, plus an exclusive once per week live in-person class at the Teaneck Jewish Center.
A live in-person 45-minute class will take place on Mondays at 1 pm for men and Wednesdays at 1 pm for women, following the conclusion of the Navi shuir.
The Jump Into Shape membership offers a variety of online classes designed to meet your needs, including jump roping, pilates, bodyweight workouts with and without free weights, ab workouts, kickboxing, and seated workouts with ropeless jump ropes, weights, and bodyweight exercises. You will have over 25 live online classes each week and 1,000s of videos on demand to choose from, including 8 classes for women only and 3 classes from a seated position.
If the thought of exercise is intimidating or you have pre-existing injuries, our instructors guide you through low-impact exercises to build muscle strength and endurance. You have nothing to lose and all to gain by bringing fitness into your weekly routine.
We provide you with the equipment you need for the live in-person classes. Some videos on demand require jump ropes or free weights and many videos require no equipment at all.